Tuesday, 13 March 2012


K.K. YADAV PRODUCTION,S next film BARBAREEK is compeleted and going to be realised very  soon. The film is produced by K K Yadav and Directed by Dharmesh tiwari, with the great stars of indian film industries, are listed as below-


Wednesday, 7 March 2012


After their escape from the 'Wax Mahal', the Pandav, alongwith mother 'Kunti', were staying in the forests of "Hidimb". It was here that the great 'Bheem’ killed the demon 'Hidimb' and married the demon's sister named 'Hidimba'.

Hidimba then gave birth to 'Ghatotkach'. Before he was to be crowned as the ruler of the state, Ghatotkach was asked to meet the Pandav at Indraprasth by his mother with an intention of his marriage. After reaching Indraprasth, Ghatotkach expressed the purpose of his visit there.

From there, on orders from Lord Krishna, 'Ghatotkach headed for 'Mur Mahal' for marrying Morvi, the daughter of Demon 'Mur'.

Observing all precautions as guided by Lord Krishna, 'Ghatotkach could answer all the questions and queries raised by Morvi and put her at ease. Thus, their marriage ceremony took place there. In due course of time,.....
Observing all precautions as guided by Lord Krishna, 'Ghatotkach could answer all the questions and queries raised by Morvi and put her at ease. Thus, their marriage ceremony took place there. In due course of time, Morvi gave birth to a son, who like his father ('Ghatotkach), turned up as a matured and grown up man at the very instance of his birth! Due to his natural curly and thick hair, he was named "BARBAREEK"

In due time, after receivinbg enough skills and learning from Lord Krishna himself, Barbareek was told to visit the Goddess at an undisclosed location and seek divine blessings and powers from her. The Goddess was happy with the devotion of Barbareek and blessed him with divine powers. Again, Lord Shiva too, being pleased with the devoted prayers and penance, gifted him with three divine arrows. On reaching the forests of 'Hidimb', Barbareek got the news of declaration of war between the Pandav and Kaurav and came to know that his father too headed towards the battlefield.

Taking permission from his mother and grandmother. Barbareek now proceeds towards Kurukshetra. While leaving, he promises his mother and grandmother that he will use the three divine arrows only for the protection of the losing side in the battle.

The Pandavas and Kauravas come to know the prowess of Barbareek in the battlefield. In the meanwhile, Lord Krishna, alongwith Arjun, come to meet Barbareek. There Barbareek explains to them about the powers of his three divine arrows. Lord Krishna now tests the power of the arrows asking Barbareek to fire them at the leaves of a marked tree, meanwhile hides a leaf of the tree under his toes. Krishna is amazed to see the reach and accuracy of the arrow that it hits all the marked leaves as well as the hidden leaf under his toes.

The Lord gets disturbed knowing fully well of the impact of Barbareek's oath that he will fire the divine arrows for the protection of the losing side only. Krishna does not want to see the 'dharmayuddh' (war against evil) to end that way (i.e. an undesired victory to the Kauravas). So, Krishna asks Barbareek to donate his head for the sake of 'Devi Chandi' to him. Happily and without any hesitation, the great warrior cuts off his head on his own and gifts it to Lord Krishna. Much pleased with his non-selfish act of courage, and to help him see the ongoing battle, Krishna brings nectar from the Goddess and revives (the head of) Barbareek.

As time moves on, the 'Battle of Mahabharat" reaches its destined end. Pandavas now want to take all the credit of victory to themselves. However, the Lord advises them to visit Barbareek, who could witness the whole proceedings of the war in front of his eyes. Barbareek tells them that he could not see anything during the battle except Lord Krishna and his "Sudarshan Chakra"! Being moved by the great valour and sacrifice of Barbareek, Krishna blesses him with the name "Shyam", that is his own name bestowed to him by his Mother Yashoda. He also blesses him to be the known Diety of Kalyug and thus to become the saviour of his devotees.

The head of Barbareek appeared on the 'Khatu's chest and the King of Khandela built a temple of him there. The same is today known and famous as "KHATU DHAM" or "Shyam Temple"! Devotees now throng the Khatu Dham to offer their prayers and realise their life aspirations!

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

News Update

Media Kit

The story of "Barbareek" dates back to the "Era of Pandavas and Kauravas or the age of "Mahabharat".
After their escape from the 'Wax Mahal', the Pandvas, alongwith mother 'Kunti', were staying in the forests of "Hidaimb". It was here that the great 'Bhim" killed the demon 'Hidimb' and married the demon's sister named 'Hidimba'.
Hidimba then gave birth to 'Ghatotkach'.  Before he was to be crowned as the ruler of the state, 'Ghatotkach was asked to meet the Pandavas at Indraspath by his mother with an intention of his marriage. .After reaching Indraprasth, 'Ghatotkach expressed the purpose of his visit there.
From there, on orders from Lord Krishna, 'Ghatotkach headed  for 'Mur Mahal' for marrying Morvi, the daughter of Demon 'Mur'.
Observing all precautions as guided by Lord Krishna, 'Ghatotkach could answer all the questions and queries raised by Morvi and put her at ease.  Thus, their marriage ceremony took place there. In due course of time, Morvi gave birth to a son, who like his father ('Ghatotkach), turned up as a matured and grown up man at the very instance of his birth!  Due to his natural curly and thick hair, he was named "BARBAREEK"
In due time, after receivinbg enough skills and learning from Lord Krishna himself, Barbareek was told to visit the Goddess at an undisclosed location and seek divine blessings and powers from her. The Goddess was happy with the devotion of Barbareek and  blessed him with divine powers.  Again, Lord Shiva too, being pleased with the devoted prayers and penance, gifted him with three unfailable arrows. On reaching the forests of 'Hidimb', Barbareek got the news of declaration of war between the Pandavas and Kauravas and came to know that his father too headed towards the battlefield.
Taking permission from his mother and grandmother. Barbareek now proceeds towards Kurukshetra.  While leaving, he promises his mother and grandmother that he will use the three divine arrows only for the protection of the losing side in the battle.
The Pandavas and Kauravas come to know the prowess of Barbareek in the battlefield.  In the meanwhile, Lord Krishna, alongwith Arjuna, come to meet Barbareek. There Barbareek explains to them about the powers of his three special arrows. Lord Krishna now tests the power of the special arrows asking Barbareek to fire them at the leaves of a marked tree,  meanwhile hides a leaf of the tree under his toes. Krishna is amazed to see the reach and accuracy of the arrow that it hits all the marked leaves as well as the hidden leaf under his toes.
The Lord gets disturbed knowing fully well of the impact of Barbareek's oath that he will fire the divine arrows for the protection of the losing side only in the ensuing battle. Krishna does not want to see the 'dharmayuddh' (war against evil) to end that way (i.e. an undesired victory to the Kauravas).  So, Krishna asks Barbareek to donate his head for the sake of 'Devi Chandi' to him.  Happily and without any hesitation, the great warrior cuts off his head on his own and gifts it to Lord Krishna.  Much pleased with his non-selfish act of courage, and to help him see the ongoing battle, Krishna brings nectar from the Goddess and revives (the head of) Barbareek.
As time moves on, the 'Battle of Mahabharat" reaches its destined end. Pandavas now want to take all the credit of victory to themselves. However, the Lord advises them to visit Barbareek, who could witness the whole proceedings of the war in front of his eyes.  Barbareek tells them that he could not see anything during the battle except Lord Krishna and his "Sudarshan Chakra"!  Being moved by the great valour and sacrifice of Barbareek, Krishna blesses him with the name "Shyam", that is his own name bestowed to him by Mother Yashoda.  He also blesses him to be the known Diety of Kalyug and thus to become the saviour of  his devotees.
The head of Barbareek appeared on the 'Khatu's chest and the King of Khandela built a temple of him there.  The same is today known and famous as "KHATU DHAM" or "Shyam Temple"!  Devotees now throng the Khatu Dham to offer their prayers and realise their life aspirations!

बर्बरीक शीश के दानी की कथा पांडव कौरव के युग की है ! लाक्षागृह से बचकर पांडव अपनी माता कुंती के साथ हिडिम्ब वन में जा रहे थे ! जहाँ महाबली भीम ने हिडिम्ब राक्षस को मारकर उसकी बहन हिडिम्बा से विवाह किया ! हिडिम्बा ने भीमपुत्र घटोत्कच को जन्म दिया ! माँ हिडिम्बा ने घटोत्कच को मुखिया बनने से पूर्व विवाह के लिए पांडवो के पास इन्द्रप्रस्थ जाने को कहा ! इन्द्रप्रस्थ जाकर घटोत्कच ने अपने आने का उद्देश्य बताया ! श्रीकृष्ण का आदेश पाकर घटोत्कच मुर दैत्य की पुत्री मौरवी से विवाह की आस लेकर मुर महल पंहुचा ! जहाँ श्रीकृष्ण द्वारा बताई गई सारी सावधानियों को ध्यान रखतें हुए मौरवी के सभी प्रश्नों का सही उत्तर देकर उसे आश्वस्त किया ! घटोत्कच तथा मौरवी का विवाह सम्पन्न हुआ ! समय बीता मौरवी को पुत्र प्राप्ति हुई ! जो पिता घटोत्कच की तरह पैदा होते ही बड़ा हो गया ! उसके केश बर्बराकार होने के कारण उसका नाम बर्बरीक रखा गया ! श्रीकृष्ण से शिक्षा दीक्षा प्राप्ति के पश्चात् उनके आदेशानुसार बर्बरीक दिव्य शक्तियां प्राप्ति के लिए गुप्त् क्षेत्र पहुंचा ! जहाँ देवी ने बर्बरीक की तपस्या से प्रशन्न होकर उसे दिव्य शक्तियां प्रदान की ! और शिवजी ने प्रशन्न होकर उसे तीन अचूक बाण दिए ! हिडिम्बवन पहुच कर बर्बरीक को ज्ञात हुआ की पांडव एवं कौरवो में युद्ध की घोषणा हो चुकी है एवं पिता घटोत्कच भी युद्ध क्षेत्र की ओर प्रस्थान कर गया है माँ एवं दादी से युद्ध देखने की इच्छा लेकर बर्बरीक भी युद्ध क्षेत्र की तरफ चल दिया ! माँ एवं दादी को बर्बरीक ने वचन दिया कि वो इन वाणों का प्रयोग हारने वालें पक्ष के लिए ही करेगा!
बर्बरीक के युद्धक्षेत्र में पहुचने के पश्चात पांडवो को सेनापति से ज्ञातहुआ कि एक युवक युद्ध को अकेले ही क्षणभर में समाप्त करने कि बात कहता है यह सुनकर श्रीकृष्ण अर्जुन के साथ युवक से मिलने आतें है ! बर्बरीक उन्हें अपने तीनो वाणों कि विशेषता से अवगत कराता है ! श्रीकृष्ण बर्बरीक कि परीक्षा लेने के लिए पेड़ के पत्तो पर बाण चलाने के लिए कहतें है ! श्रीकृष्ण एक पत्ता अपने पैर के नीचे छिपा लेते है जिससे बाण कि पहुँच का पता चल सके ! श्रीकृष्ण यह देखकर अचंभित रह जाते हैं! कि बाण पेड़ के सभी पत्तों के साथ साथ उनके पैर के नीचे दबे पत्ते को भी छेद कर देता है ! यह जानकर कि बर्बरीक इन चमत्कारी बाणों का प्रयोग सिर्फ हारने वाले पक्ष के लिए करेगा, श्रीकृष्ण चिंतित हो जाते हैं ! श्रीकृष्ण नहीं चाहतें हैं कि महाभारत के इस धर्मयुद्ध का निर्णय कौरवों के पक्ष में हो! इसलिए श्रीकृष्ण ने बर्बरीक से उसका शीश देवी चंडी को बलि देने के लिए दान में मांग लिया ! बर्बरीक ने स्वयं ही सहर्ष अपना शीश काट कर उन्हें दान दे दिया ! श्रीकृष्ण देवी से शीश को अमृत से सीचने को कहतें हैं शीशदान के पश्चात् बर्बरीक कि युद्ध देखने कि इच्छा को श्रीकृष्ण स्वीकार कर लेते हैं !
महाभारत युद्ध समाप्त होता है पांचो पांडव जीत का श्रेय स्वयं लेना चाहते हैं ! श्रीकृष्ण उन्हें इसके लिए बर्बरीक के पास चलने कि सलाह देते हैं !
जिसने सम्पूर्ण युद्ध अपनी आँखों से देखा था !
बर्बरीक उनसे कहतें हैं ! कि उसे तो सम्पूर्ण युद्ध में केवल श्रीकृष्ण एवं उनके सुदर्शन चक्र के सिवाय कुछ दिखाई नहीं दिया ! श्रीकृष्ण बर्बरीक के इस महान त्याग पर अपनी माँ यशोदा द्वारा दिया "श्याम" नाम बर्बरीक को देतें हैं ! तथा कलयुग का भगवान एवं सदा हारे का सहारा बनने एवं खाटू में प्रकट होने का आशीर्वाद देते हैं ! कलयुग में खाटू में उनका शीश प्रकट हुआ! वहां के राजा ने उनका मंदिर बनवाया ! जो आज श्री खाटूश्याम के नाम से विख्यात है ! आज खाटू दरबार में करोडो भक्तों कि मनोकामना पूर्ण हो रही हैं !

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Barbareek Wallpaper

About Barbareek

The legend begins with the Mahābhārata. Barbarika alias Khatushyamji alias Shyam Baba was a grandson of Bhima, Second of the Pandava brothers. He was the son of Ghatotkacha (who in turn was son of Bhima) and Kamkantkata Ma Morwi . Even in his childhood, Barbarika was a very brave warrior. He learnt the art of warfare from his mother. God Shiva, pleased with him, gave him the three infallible arrows (Teen Baan). Hence, Barbarika came to be known by the appellation Teen Baandhaari, the "Bearer of Three Arrows". Later, Agni (the god of Fire) gave him the bow that would make him victorious in the three worlds.

When Barbarika learnt that battle between the Pandavas and the Kauravas had become inevitable, he wanted to witness what was to be the Mahābhārata War. He promised his mother that if he felt the urge to participate in the battle, he would join the side which would be losing. He rode to the field on his Blue Horse equipped with his three arrows and bow.

Krishna tests Barbarika

Krishna disguised as a brahmin and stopped barbarika to examine his strength. He baited Barbarika by mocking him for going to the great battle with only three arrows. On this, Barbarika replied that a single arrow was enough to destroy all his opponents in the war, and it would then return to his quiver. He started that, the first arrow is used to mark all the things that he wants to destroy. On releasing the third arrow, it would destroy all the things that are marked and will then return to his quiver. If he uses the second arrow,  then the second arrow will mark all the things that he wants to save. On using the third arrow, it will destroy all the things that are not marked. In other words, with one arrow he can fix all his targets and with the other he can destroy them.

Krishna then challenges him to tie all the leaves of the peepal tree under which he was standing with these arrows. Barbarika accepts the challenge and starts meditating to release his arrow by closing his eyes. Then, Krishna without the knowledge of Barbarika, plucks one of the leaf of the tree and puts it under his foot. When Barbarik releases his first arrow, it marks all the leaves of the tree and finally starts revolving around the leg of Krishna. For this Krishna asks Barbarika, as why was the arrow revolving around his foot? For this, Barbareek replies that there must be a leaf under his foot and the arrow was targeting his foot to mark the leaf that is hidden under him. Barbarika advises Krishna to lift his leg, since, otherwise the arrow will mark the leaf by pricking Krishna's leg. Thus, Krishna lifts his foot and to his surprise, finds that the first arrow also marks the leaf that was hidden under his foot. Of course, the third arrow does collect all the leaves (including the one under Krishna's foot) and ties them together. By this Krishna concludes that the arrows are so infallible, that even if Barbarika is not aware of his targets, the arrows are so powerful that they can still navigate and trace all his intended targets. The moral of this incident is that, in a real battle field, if Krishna wants to isolate some one (for example: the 5 Pandava brothers) and hides them elsewhere in order to avoid them from being Barbarika's victim, then Krishna will not be successful as the arrows can still trace the target and destroy them. So, nobody will be able to escape from these arrows. Thus Krishna gets a deeper insight about Barbarika's phenomenal power.
Krishna then asks the boy whom he would favour in the war. Barbarika reveals that he intends to fight for the side whichever is weak. As Pandavas have only seven Akshouni army, when compared to Kauravas eleven, he considers that Pandavas are weak and hence wants to support them so that Pandavas will become victorious. But Krishna asks him, did he seriously gave a thought about the consequences before giving such a word to his mother (to support the weak side). Barbarika guesses that his support to the weaker side will make them victorious. Then, Krishna reveals the actual consequence of his word to his mother
Krishna tells that whichever side he supports will only make the other side weak due to his power. Nobody will be able to defeat him. Hence, he is forced to support the other side that has become weaker due to his word to his mother. Thus, in an actual war, he will keep oscillating between the two sides, thereby destroying the entire army of both sides and eventually only he remains. Subsequently, none of the side is victorious as he will be the only lone survivor. Hence, Krishna avoids his participation from the war by seeking his head in Charity.

Krishna's leg

The other version of story tells that the first arrow indeed pricks Krishna's leg and mark the leaf that is hidden under Krishna's foot. This becomes a weak spot of Krishna. Prior to this event, lord Krishna also gets a boon from sage Durvasa that his entire body except his leg will be immune to all weapons. Hence, only his leg will be vulnerable. In the end of Kurukshetra war, when Krishna revives Abhimanu's son Parkishit, he looses half of his strength and thereby making him even more weaker. Later, in Mausala parva, a hunter by name Jara hits at Krishna's foot mistaking him for a deer leads to the death of Krishna. In other words, this weak spot on Krishna's foot was first created by Barbareek's arrow.



The Other interpretation of three arrows 

The three arrows are signs of three "taaps" that humans experience. These include the physical, mental and emotional conflicts and confusions that are found almost everywhere. These three "taaps" are cleared with chanting of name of Shri Krishna. Thus, giving Barabarika the name "Shyaam", the Lord intended to remove the three taaps of human like, symbolized with the three arrows



Act of charity

The guised Krishna then sought charity from Babarika. Barbarika promised him anything he wished. Krishna asked him to give his head in charity. Barbarika was shocked. Perceiving that all was not as it appeared, he requested the Brahmin to disclose his real identity. Krishna showed Barbarika a vision of His Divine Form and Barbarika was thus graced. Krishna then explained to him that before a battle, the head of the bravest Kshatriya needs to be sacrificed, in order to worship/sanctify the battlefield. Krishna said that he considered Barbarika to be the bravest among Kshatriyas, and was hence asking for his head in charity. In fulfilment of his promise, and in compliance with the Krishna's command, Barbarika gave his head to him in charity. This happened on the 12th day of the Shukla Paksha (bright half) of the month of phaagun on Tuesday.

Barbareek Photo Gallery